Tag: rumdoings
Rum Doings Episode 245: If We Know Anything, Jesus Ate Brisket
by John Walker on Nov.22, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 245rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, is the only solution to the Christmas advert problem to require a referendum before broadcast?
Keeping it light this week (well, last, we recorded it last week), we begin by trying to find the line between confusion and racism, then discuss the future of Zimbabwe and South Africa, and then delve into just how un-left the American left wing is. See, light stuff!
We ask whether tweets from your past should be allowed to determine your future, whether it’s ever okay to criticise someone for being fat, and who is worse, Peter Hitchens or Jacob Rees-Mogg. It’s such a trivial episode all round.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/245_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 244: Can I Still Have A Conker?
by John Walker on Nov.03, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 244th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, now Corbyn’s appearing on Gogglebox, is he finally ready to become Prime Minister?
One of our most argumentative episodes, this was recorded last week and then due to John’s ineptitude, only uploaded now. So pre-Spacey, but post-Weinstein, we loudly argue about where blame lies. There’s also some cruise talk, and a bit about turning 40.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/244_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 243: AUDIBBLBBLL HURPSYOO ENJURRED THISPROGRUM
by John Walker on Oct.11, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 243th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, post Uber, what is Britain’s best paving substrate?
Obviously we discuss Theresa’s splendid speech, and Weinstein’s wayward penis (recorded on Monday, so before a lot more of the revelations). We ponder the deaths of major figures, and solve the urination crisis.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/243_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 242: They Taste Power In Their Maw
by John Walker on Sep.27, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 242th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, post Uber, where now for cheap access to sexual molestation?
We return, to talk Cornish meat, school homework, and Labour’s betrayal.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/242_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 241: Fields Are Nicer Without Nazis In Them
by John Walker on Aug.18, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 241th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, nurse, nurse, come here, I need you.
We’re back, after a million year hiatus! And we record in the same room!
Forewarning: at the time we recorded (the weekend) the news was reporting that it was anti-Nazis that had driven into the crowds. Obviously that wasn’t the case.
We talk Nazis, Trump, sciatica and child-rearing. We get interrupted, we deeply investigate the gravy boat, and we explain why we won’t be rid of Theresa May. And loads more!
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/241_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 240: Britlington Had A Frap
by John Walker on Jun.09, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 240th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, why don’t we all put down our bloomin’ mobiles and have a good old-fashioned conversation?
An emergency election special. Thoughts on the completely bonkers results of last night’s general election. We talk about how very, very wrong we were, yet again. We ponder the possibilities of these odd results, call Corbyn terrible names and May pure evil, and are inevitably wrong about many new things.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
Or you can listen to it right here:
[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/240_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 239: The Solution Is To Kill The Internet
by John Walker on Jun.06, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 239th ever Rum Doings, what will all the terrorists do now there’s been some singing?
Your eyes do not deceive you. Nick has finally decided to lower himself to the level of talking to the little people once more. We return!
Talk this week is of IVF and politics, and that’s pretty much it. But it’s good. Oh boy is it good.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/239_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 238: Richard Stallman Is Bogus
by John Walker on Apr.20, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 238th ever Rum Doings, is Japan still possible?
Perhaps rather obviously we discuss the forthcoming surprise General Election, and the abundance of delightful choice we have in casting our vote. But of course we also talk Bill O’Reilly, Anglican churches, and Judith’s forthcoming miserable holiday. And the joys of going through IVF, and grim porn.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/238_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 237: Uncle Nick Is A Silly Poo Poo Face
by John Walker on Mar.31, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 237th ever Rum Doings, isn’t it about time doctors stopped prescribing fake news?
After establishing just how wrong Nick is, we consider how sincere is Theresa May, and then move on to John’s Amazing List Of Brilliant Ideas. In the middle of a fascinating discussion about magazines, we are invaded by a two year old. Somehow we then get on to vicars in assemblies, and then Nick gets a bit confused about what metaphors.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/237_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 236: I Wish You Had Died On The Operating Table
by John Walker on Mar.10, 2017, under Rum Doings

In our 236th ever Rum Doings, has the Bieber bubble burst?
We talk about John’s gall bladder surgery, and much besides, but you’ll have to listen to find out as it hurts too much to sit in this chair.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
Or you can listen to it right here:
[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/236_rumdoings.mp3]