Tag: rum doings
Rum Doings Episode 215: Traditionaloclast
by John Walker on Jun.06, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 215th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, if we have a healthcare lottery, why isn’t it self-funding?
We’ve got a pamphlet! This week you can learn all about The Original Copper Heeler Registered Trademark, and the panacea it presents to the universe.
We ponder on immigration and the EU referendum, and Nick’s impressive encounter with some Brexiteers. And Toby’s tact.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/215_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 214: In A Pool Of Olive Oil
by John Walker on May.25, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 214th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, shouldn’t Elton John’s husband David Furnish be entitled to the same privacy as all of us.
Entirely separately from our topic, because what would it have to do with those two?, we discuss privacy and the peculiarity of injunctions. We come up with Stewart Lee’s next live show, and then move on to looking at the new television programmes that we’ll be flying over to America to watch this Autumn.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/214_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 213: A Constant Stabbing Pain
by John Walker on May.12, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 213th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, if ghosts don’t exist then how do you explain all the wind?
We discuss John’s adventures in hospital, the new London mayor, and the snottiest of MSPs. We also ponder how technical mishaps can so easily lead to attending anti-Semitic rallies, and laugh at stupid readers of RPS.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/213_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 212: You Want A Bit Of Racism, Don’t You?
by John Walker on May.05, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 212th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, wouldn’t the money spent on the Rio Olympics have been better spent on the NHS and the kiddies and the old folk?
We talk London’s mayoral options, the death of Prince, and return to the topic of national price vs nationalism.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/212_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 211: When Last Did You Visit The Cayman Islands?
by John Walker on Apr.18, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 211th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, is Kate’s dress will do?!
We talk Panama, a mysterious – nigh – impossible British hotel room, a small diversion into VR, and then return to Nick’s list of who may live on his island. It probably doesn’t include you.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters and Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/211_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 210: I’m Sorry
by John Walker on Mar.31, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 210th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, blah blah something about boxing.
Oh dear, this is a terrible episode. We’re sorry. In it we talk slowly and confusedly, stumbling over each other, not really having a point to what we’re saying, wittering on about our children and then something about the EU. John tries to talk about a book he doesn’t have in front of him, while Nick decides to investigate a news story he then doesn’t investigate. There’s a few minutes about 30 minutes in that aren’t completely dreadful, then it goes back to being rubbish again. Look, we managed 209 utterly amazing episodes in a row, we’re allowed one dud in every 210.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters and Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/210_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 209: National Mockery Day
by John Walker on Mar.14, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 209th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, should no cenotaph ever be filmed at any time?
After our brief hiatus we’re back, aiming for the traditional weekly schedule. And after a brief discussion of John’s anxiety disorder and the symptoms thereof, we spend most of the episode learning who would not be allowed on Nick’s island.
From those who don’t play petrol pump number games to those who are frightened of semi-colons banned at the gates, Nick’s island is going to be one quiet place. But will you get in? You’d better.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters and Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/209_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 208: Thousands Of Loose, Flapping Tentacles
by John Walker on Jan.20, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 208th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, is David Bowie better than Gandhi?
In what can only be described as a Rum Doings way, episode 208 is a tribute to my father, who died last Saturday. The aim of this episode was to attempt to capture the reality of a side of grief, in all its frankness, truth and ghoulish flippancy. I think – perhaps too often – people tend to talk about a person’s death with a great deal of reverence, and in hushed tones. I love my dad to bits, and have written about what a special person he was here. Rum Doings has always been about talking about what’s truly on our minds, and this episode is no different. Don’t expect hymns and solemn nodding.
We talk about the suddenness of my dad’s death, what happened at the time, and the fantastic things that were somehow wrapped up before it happened. We consider how impossible it is to empathise with intimate grief until it’s experienced, and analyse how it can hit you. I go into my bizarre tummy-tentacle theory of relationships, with diversions into exploring what it’s like to be in that moment of hearing such terrible news.
If the tone makes you feel uncomfortable, know that it makes me feel good, and dad – as a sneaky RD listener – would have enjoyed it.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters-And-Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
Or you can listen to it right here:
[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/208_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 207: SHOW ME YOUR CAT ON THE FENCE
by John Walker on Jan.06, 2016, under Rum Doings
In our 207th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, Wittgenstein said if a lion could talk we would not understand him, but what if he met a good animal psychic?
It’s fair to say we spend most of this week’s episode talking about our kids. There’s a discussion of our Christmas lunches, too, and spoiler-free discussion of the new Star Wars Cinema Film.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters and Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/207_rumdoings.mp3]Rum Doings Episode 206: Into A Meat Grinder
by John Walker on Dec.17, 2015, under Rum Doings
In our 206th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, Donald Trump?
After brief discussion of Toby’s continued inability to sleep, we discuss why Owen Jones’ recent column on Corbyn was quite so dreadful, and get pretty deep into explaining why anyone genuinely left wing should be furious with Corbyn’s abysmal leadership.
We talk about why Stop The War are a vile group of racists, John’s grumpiness, and then the best email John has ever received. And then it finishes with an anecdote about John’s blanky.
Make sure to follow us on the Twitters and Tweets @rumdoings. If you want to email us, you can do that here. If you want to be a “fan” of ours on Facebook, which apparently people still do, you can do that here.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
Or you can listen to it right here:
[audio: http://rumdoings.jellycast.com/files/audio/206_rumdoings.mp3]