Rum Doings Episode 267: Munchy Vagina
by John Walker on Oct.24, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 267nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: With all the worrying news, shouldn’t there now be a vaping tsar?
There’s a little bit of politics. We begin with all the latest HILARIOUS ANTICS of Brexit, and then quite figuratively leap across the Atlantic at the depressing farce of the Democratic race. With special focus on the brain collapse of Joe Biden.
We learn the advice of children, and then get to the real issue of the day: Nick’s fancy new toilet.
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Rum Doings Episode 266: Operating Within Chronological Time
by John Walker on Sep.25, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 266nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: Why don’t we kick the CAN’T down the road?!
Prepare yourself: it’s going to be Brexitty. Obviously we discuss at some length the excitement of the last day or so, plus our predictions for what’s going to happen next. And we try to understand the motivations for people who voted Leave, but aren’t racists or stupid.
We ponder how Rees-Mogg has been so rhetorically thick, and even more concerningly, how Farage is becoming so rhetorically smart. Then Nick is MASSIVELY racist against the Japanese, while John saves his racism for the Jews. Finally we celebrate how terrible BBC News has become, and, moving forward, condemn anyone who ever says that.
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Rum Doings Episode 265: Punch Cars Out The Sky
by John Walker on Sep.11, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 265rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: Why don’t we just… prorogue traffic wardens?!?!!
So yes, we obviously discuss the Brexitty madness, and then the legacy of John Bercow. This then incomprehensibly links on to the irritations of “smart” speakers, Toby’s first day at school, and that dreadful modern music you kids listen to.
We argue about giving trophies to children, argue even more about whether John likes tennis, and argue a bit in the middle about whether to have fights.
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Rum Doings Episode 264: #nolivesmatter
by John Walker on Sep.03, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 264nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we put a man on the moon?
This week we talk instead about the absolute clustermuck that is this week in politics, and how no rules apply anywhere. We ask why phones don’t dut-duhdah-dut any more, the power of adverts, and we argue for the extinction of the human race.
Plus there’s the most important topic of all: what’s going on with toilet buttons?
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
Rum Doings Episode 263: 10rd Anniversary Special!
by John Walker on Aug.09, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 263nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: Should Nick be deported to Robin Island for stealing Starglider?
It’s our tenth anniversary! The very first episode came out on the 10nd August 2009, and today is near as dammit. If you want to be a purist, don’t listen to this until tomorrow.
We obviously discuss the changes that have occurred over the last ten years, both to us and the world, which naturally leads us to our usual complaining about Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump, and Brexit. For some reason Nick insists on John’s blithering about changes in games, we do our best to upset most new parents, and Judith outdoes John on appearing on the Radio 1 Breakfast Show.
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Rum Doings Episode 262: We Should Probably Stop
by John Walker on Aug.07, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 262st ever Rum Doings, our topic is either: “With the latest set of atrocities, can we finally ban these video nasties?” or indeed: “With all these floods, shouldn’t we just get rid of dams and use bottles instead?”
Instead we discuss weeing, because look, we’re in our 40s now. And indeed erections. That out the way, I’m afraid we turn to slightly more distasteful topics, and analyse the calculated awfulness of our new PM. Nick then goes on to be wrong about The Orville, while John, by contrast is right. And then everything breaks and we give up.
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Rum Doings Episode 261: The Common Decency To Look Bloody Evil
by John Walker on Jul.11, 2019, under The Rest

In our 261rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, “Those pedalling the slur that Labour is ‘institutionally racist’ should remember When the fascists march into your town, it will be Labour supporters who turn up to drive them out.”
In this week’s episode of our weekly podcast we talk about John’s long ago trip to Canada, about Nick’s hatred of all that is good and pure, and go into some detail about the peculiar near-death experiences of John’s cat, Lucy. Oh, and are all children sociopaths? Plus other stuff, as you might imagine.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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Rum Doings Episode 260: Joris Bonson
by John Walker on Apr.24, 2019, under The Rest

In our 260rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, shouldn’t we take time to smell the roses?
This week’s episode of our weekly podcast begins with chat about John’s sudden unemployment, then quickly moves on to the complete erasure of basic civil liberties.
There’s a brief moment of Game Of Thrones (no spoilers), then we talk about San Francisco’s highs and lows. We ponder the syndromes of Valve and Google, and then meander wildly through topics at quite a pace.
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Rum Doings Episode 259: It’s SNOOOOWWWING!
by John Walker on Feb.01, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 259nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, why don’t we just stop having wars after all?
Naturally we launch straight into SNOW NEWS. Nick is SO EXCITED! Then it’s onto an old favourite: how weather forecasting is a sham and must be stopped.
Nick bans the phrase “toxic masculinity”, in the fashion of a man using his maleness to impose his views on us all, and John suggests there might be human rights issues in more than one specific country. Then it’s TV recommendations time, with I’m Sorry and Big Mouth top of the list.
Then everything devolves into just a bit of a chat, really.
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Rum Doings Episode 258: Daniel Special
by John Walker on Jan.22, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 258rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, if the NHS is so short on beds, why don’t they just buy some more beds?
We begin with a delve into our spam folders, ponder Philly’s crash, and of course there’s some Brexit natter.
And then we move on to Daniel! Daniel from the comments from previous episodes. Oh Daniel. It’s all about you, Daniel!
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
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