Tag: snow
Snowman Tragedy 2013
by John Walker on Jan.18, 2013, under The Rest
Snow snow snow! It actually snowed! It does this in Bath once in every never. Almost. In fact, it snowed in 2009 and 2010, and after a three year hiatus, it’s back! This makes me very happy. Firstly, because everything looks better covered in snow. And secondly, because it means I get to build a snowman!
I remember when it would snow when I was a kid, before that weird eighteen year gap we had from proper snowfall in the South of England, and it was obviously brilliant. But then it wasn’t until the drought began that I discovered the true majesty of Calvin & Hobbes, and was filled with mad desire to emulate Calvin’s snowman building achievements. It was a long wait. But then in 2009 it fell, and I was able to live my dreams. You can see the result here.
Then the next year it snowed again, which was almost too much excitement to live with. So once again I created my art.
It’s been three long, painful years since I have been able to express myself through my chosen medium, but at last my creativity has been unchained. The new one’s below.
Snowman Tragedy 2010
by John Walker on Jan.06, 2010, under The Rest
Last year, when it snowed to any depth for the first time in my adult life, I made this. I don’t think I’ve topped it this year, but I had a good go. He’s a bit more clumsy, a bit less well shaped. But the spirit is there. Big props to Craig for suggesting brain matter and creating wall-based splatter effects. Oh, and coming up with the gun idea, too. I was just going to have his head caved open. Also, I’m sorry.

Snowman Tragedy
by John Walker on Feb.05, 2009, under Photos
I have always wanted to build out of snow, but have never had the opportunity in my adult life. When there have been scraps of snow and I’ve tried to use it, it’s never packed well, and so on. However, the beautiful wad that fell last night is like cold clay. So, well, it had to be a tribute to Calvin & Hobbes.