Rum Doings Episode 196: A Skanky Man
by John Walker on Jul.24, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 196th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, isn’t it about time ISIS learned some good fashioned British values?
We talk about lying to your children, the destruction of the BBC, and indeed CBeebies programming. There are thoughts on deficits, John seeks mortgage advice, we ponder Steve Martin, and wonder at the cast of the Cosby Show. And Nick still hasn’t written the Toby song.
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July 24th, 2015 on 18:41
Even if you are so committed to the word ‘socialism’ being uttered that it clouds all judgement on pro-fascism it is clear that Corbyn just believes in perpetual motion machines to solve all of the problems of society. Look at this document: and tell me he is at all credible. His plan for nation state socialism is to stop the nasty tax avoiders, his plan for world peace is to stop the nasty arms traders (and probably something about the jews), his plan for getting tories to vote for him is to explain niceness to them etc etc. There is no mention of genuinely interesting ideas like worker co-determination, no mention of how to have mass uptake in reformed unions that are not ran by loony ex-stallinists (attitudes to the strikes on london transport should be taken seriously as representative of the failures), no mention of how to move towards public ownership of failing services or discussion of the worst failures of private involvements (privatisation should be a bad word based on its examples and not just a feeling of nostalgia-induced ickiness) etc etc.
I am not at all excited about any of the other candidates since they too are guilty of having no interesting ideas for developing social democracy but (and I say this with the necessary despair) I will probably pay my £3 and vote for Cooper (and against corbyn since I don’t particularly fancy tory government for my entire adult life).
July 26th, 2015 on 21:36
I was just thinking about how true it was what Nick said about Miliband’s charisma and electability, and how it compares to Corbyn’s.
July 29th, 2015 on 04:28
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