Rum Doings Episode 184: Jizz Hands
by John Walker on Mar.30, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 184th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, Atari or Amiga?
We do touch on the horror of the recent plane crash, which leads Nick towards a revelation about utilitarianism. Then things move on to the first part of an Agony Aunt Two-Parter.
Well, you know how it is. We get distracted on the way there. By sexing goldfish. Then we turn to dispensing advice. Some of it properly helpful. For instance, how do you decide which child is your favourite? But also what to do if you’re being made redundant, travelling around the world, or oh, um, we’re discussing the Greek alphabet.
Then we talk about our proposals, leading toward advice on how to be in love. (Buy all your engagement rings here!)
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March 30th, 2015 on 20:50
The volume of repeated anecdotes in this episode made it feel like a sitcom clip show, but with all of the flashbacks painstakingly re-performed instead of using the old footage.
March 31st, 2015 on 09:35
You weren’t kidding, Zorganist.
March 31st, 2015 on 16:29
Goodness, I was quoted by Nick and called an idiot by John. It’s everything I’ve dreamed of all these episodes!
April 1st, 2015 on 20:29
I never really warmed to Larry Sanders. It was a behind the scenes parody of a type of TV show that I wasn’t particularly familiar with.
I only used to sit through it because I was waiting for Seinfeld to start.
April 2nd, 2015 on 09:05
By the way, what was that peanut Nazi Queen Mum bit? And something called Bemley which was 20 years ago?
April 4th, 2015 on 17:37
Disregard the second question above. I found my answer: