The Rules Made Test
by John Walker on Jan.02, 2006, under Rules
The excellent OKCupid has a script that allows users to create their own The Spark-style tests.
The Are You Good Enough To Exist Test is the Rules, embellished slightly, and with marvellous illustrations.
I strongly recommend taking site creator Christian Rudder’s tests, especially the initiating Personality Test.
January 3rd, 2006 on 10:50
Only 70% human.
January 3rd, 2006 on 11:00
Also: dead.
January 3rd, 2006 on 11:14
85% and still DEAD (I suspect it was my reluctance to categorise umbrellas as ‘nine-pointed death stars’). A bit unfair that; what with only 100%-ers surviving the cull, I suspect that come the day, the only future resident of the planet will be a Mr J Walker. This is something he should consider if he wants Train, Camp, or Church Girl to share his glorious new world.
January 3rd, 2006 on 11:34
88% is enough to survive.
Of the 600 people to take the test so far, about 10 will live.
Pretty much perfect.
January 3rd, 2006 on 12:31
Maybe it would be Christian to accept some flawed, after all we’re all human, not Godlike, so maybe let people who are majority human live? Forgive? Or just enslave?
January 3rd, 2006 on 12:51
And stand behind you at checkouts? Not likely.
January 3rd, 2006 on 14:03
I lived :D
I’d have lived more if I hadn’t gone to school at a place with lots of external classrooms and no shelter (not mobiles, unusually, just lots of tiny little buildings all over the place. Must have cost a ridiculous amount to heat.) and thus picked up the habit of using an umbrella. It was pretty much either that or die.
January 3rd, 2006 on 21:03
I would like an addition to the rules regarding people starting conversations with ‘guess what’.
January 3rd, 2006 on 21:18
whenever someone in my presence starts a sentence with guess what i immediately shout CHICKEN BUTT! that makes it better.
also, for the record, i’m justifiably dead, although John tripped over my corpse so that makes that better too.
January 3rd, 2006 on 21:21
I live.
January 3rd, 2006 on 23:22
85% – I’m dead.
However, in the brief seconds before death, I would also like an addition to the rules for people who start every sentence in a story they’re telling with “so he turned around to me…”
Unless your friends really do stand there furiousley rotating on the spot while chatting to eachother, it just sounds stupid.
January 3rd, 2006 on 23:26
Ooh! Good one! I can’t believe I forgot that!
There are enough new rules for an update, actually.
January 3rd, 2006 on 23:28
OK, I am an idiot and read 1 question wrong. That plus you changing to allow smiles in IMs bumps me up to nearly living. But then on a retest I got 96% without really straying too far from my original beliefs. Remember the new motto: Re-educate to re-populate.
January 3rd, 2006 on 23:31
No! I don’t want to repopulate. Actually, I’m going to blog about that.
January 4th, 2006 on 00:19
Well, that would definitely put a damper on the end of days. Couldn’t you re-educate a certain percentage of women to repopulate the world?
January 4th, 2006 on 01:25
Justifiably Dead
You managed 85% Humanity.
farewell cruel world
January 4th, 2006 on 13:10
92%. Almost killed by smilies, I think. ^_^
January 10th, 2006 on 14:17
Or is that part of the test?
January 10th, 2006 on 14:18
Was that part of the test too?
January 10th, 2006 on 17:42
You’re mean. I like umbrellas, they keep you dry in the rain.