New Look
by John Walker on Aug.17, 2005, under The Rest
Well here we are then.
Updating WordPress from 1.2 to 1.5 turned out to be a bit more of a haul than expected. It also demolished all that had gone before, including the fine Mr Richard Cobbett’s lovely CSS. Not having a clue how to get it back, I decided it was time for a change.
And in changing, I appear to have caught up with a number of things.
– First off, there’s now titles to entries. Not a huge deal, but it makes navigation much easier. I’ve only bothered to title the stuff that appears on the front page.
– Then there’s Categories. This means if you’re looking for, say, a review entry, it’ll be much easier to get hold of. I’ll go back through at some point and file the older posts.
– And after a few pesters recently, I believe I’m now RSSsy. Still no idea what this actually is, but I do seem capable of it.
Huge thanks to Martin for all the help and patience and fixing of mistakes this evening. Do let me know any comments or criticisms about the new look. I’m going to fix the “boring” – Kieron Gillen, 2005, banner soon too.
August 17th, 2005 on 23:31
Does that mean this new design is only temporary? Because I like it.
August 17th, 2005 on 23:43
What the hell is going on? *gets scared* You’ve bounced between three templates in about half an hour!
August 18th, 2005 on 00:03
Wow, it’s changed again! Pretty.
August 18th, 2005 on 00:52
Rah, a standing link! It may please you to know that you have shuffled BOASAS out of the illustrious top four.
August 18th, 2005 on 02:20
it’s a beautiful beautiful thing, your mothers should be proud!!
August 18th, 2005 on 04:47
oooh, I like the new look.
thanks for the rss feed too.
August 18th, 2005 on 06:15
This does look very nice.
And yes, you’ve been RSSey for a since the move to WordPress a while ago. Although you weren’t publishing the link anywhere, so you could only really find it if you knew where WordPress spits out its RSS feed to (
August 18th, 2005 on 08:00
Not that you should care (if we’re not all happy-clappy Firefox users by now, why not?), but have you tried loading the front page in Internet Explorer? It looks…odd.
August 18th, 2005 on 08:49
You….you….template user, you…
For RSS, I suggest running Feedburner ( Basically, it means that people just have to subscribe to something like, so you can change the location or name of your feed whenever you want, and as long as you update Feedburner, none of your readers need either know or care.
August 18th, 2005 on 10:16
Richard: it’s a flipping nice template, though, isn’t it?
August 18th, 2005 on 13:59
Splendid. Very ‘clean’.
You should have a looping Royksopp mp3 in the background.
August 18th, 2005 on 16:23
Steve – yeah, that’s tough tits to the IE users I’m afraid.
August 18th, 2005 on 16:59
I wouldn’t worry overmuch out legacy web-browser support, anyway. You don’t really want IE-using cretins reading your esteemed journal if you can help it.
Leave them to play Myst 5: The Spackening or some such.
August 19th, 2005 on 19:26
This is sweet.
September 7th, 2005 on 04:08
Can I make one incy-wincy request?
Can you set your RSS feeds to be full text and not just summary please? (On the dashboard for WP, goto Options=>Reading=>Syndication Feeds…)
Then I can read what you write on the train on the way to work.
It would be super appreciated.