Rum Doings Episode 270: Owned By The Lady At Waitrose
by John Walker on Dec.24, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 270rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: going forward, can’t we just agree to disagree?
Ho ho ho dear. It’s our CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Is it our Hanukkah special? Is Hanukkah special?
It does sound like we’re about to talk about politics again, but don’t worry, we divert. Instead we ponder why no one visits Prince Philly in hospital, the worstest of all Christmas songs, and complain about Poundland’s tills.
We then talk about forgiveness, which is uncharacteristically apposite for the season, then try to come up with some new Christmas traditions.
To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.
December 24th, 2019 on 19:14
The “bye Nick!” was a great punchline. This was the perfect accompanyment to present wrapping, hope you chaps have a merry christmas.
February 6th, 2020 on 18:35
Veteran listener here (2009) who got to the mid 100s before stopping. Recently returned to the podcast and thoroughly enjoying. Not sure how many people still listen. Quite surprising you’ve continued this long. Keep it up.