Rum Doings Episode 269: Nasal Douche
by John Walker on Dec.06, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 269nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: should we amend the Great British constitution so that Andrew Neil be Queen during general election?
John has a CHRONIC SINUS CONDITION, and that’s obviously the big news of the week. So we talk nasal DOUCHING. He’s also just launched a new website about undiscovered indie games, but pah.
We also talk the awfulness of the election choices, as evidenced by the inevitable success of Mogg, about Judith’s appendectomy, steamed breakfasts, and the disastrous US healthcare system.
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December 6th, 2019 on 20:52
There’s a third option with Brexit. Everything just slowly stagnates and gets worse and no one connects the dots.
December 8th, 2019 on 16:18
I’d be interested- genuinely- to know how Nick imagines a Corbyn-led government would create ‘Venezuela-like chaos’. As far as I understand, the fundamental issue is that the government geared their entire economy around, and funded all public spending from, a single commodity, oil, and so was massively over-exposed to a big fall in the price of oil.
The UK’s economy is diversed to a far greater extent, so I can’t really see how it could be mismanaged to such a dramatic extent. It’s just too hard for anyone, no matter how incompetent, to crash the UK economy so catastrophically off the back of a single polciy failure.
I’m not an expert by any means, but I’ve always thought the biggest threat to our economy to be another 2008-style financial crash, as the methods we used back then to lessen the impact (such as it was lessened) aren’t going to work a second time, which therefore paves the way for an even bigger recession (and no party has anything to offer in this respect- it was something Vince Cable had mentioned quite often, but the Swinson Lib Dems don’t appear to have followed through with any concrete policy).