Rum Doings Episode 255: We Often Have Different Body Types
by John Walker on Aug.21, 2018, under Rum Doings

In our 255nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, is it now time for Elon Musk to be replaced by AI?
We begin with some of our crazed socialist rambling about the corruption of big companies, ponder how easy it is to fall off a cruise ship, and Nick launches a staunch defense of sexism.
Then we really rather get into the topic of antisemitism. No, no, come back. We try to approach the subject from the perspective of why it’s something to care about, rather than something to use as a weapon in an argument. It’s probably quite a good discussion. Here’s the episode of Radio 4’s The Reunion we discuss.
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August 21st, 2018 on 21:32
Zionism is ethnic nationalism and therefore bad. But then this podcast has aways been a hotbed of regressive leftism.
August 21st, 2018 on 22:13
I personally experienced antisemitism in highschool even though I am not jewish (as far as I know). But I don’t know if that would matter in Nazi Germany. Maybe my big nose would put me in a death camp. So I don’t deny it exists.
But why do we just ignore the palistinian community? If ethnic communities are aloud to define thier own racism then we have a contradiction as the palistinian community contradicts the jewish community. They cannot both be right. Personally I don’t buy into such moral relativism. I don’t care if Muslims think a crackdown on Halal meat is isalamaphobia, nor do I care if jews think palastinian liberation movements are antisemetic. The way the state of Isreal behaves towards the people of palestien is a racist disgrace and is a direct result of zionist ideology. If you want to have a jewish majority that means policing none jewish minorities.
The roma were the second largest group of people to be exterminated in the holocaust. So does that mean they can create thier own state somwhere in Africa? Opress the people who happen to live their already? I mean they have all the reason to do so. Modern Italy would happily get rid of thier Roma population if it were not for the rule of law and human rights.
The fact the cause of palestinian liberation is only taken up by the left/crank left just shows how morally bankrupt the mainstream is.
August 21st, 2018 on 22:17
I personally experienced antisemitism in highschool even though I am not jewish (as far as I know). But I don’t know if that would matter in Nazi Germany. Maybe my big nose would put me in a death camp. So I don’t deny it exists.
But why do we just ignore the palistinian community? If ethnic communities are aloud to define thier own racism then we have a contradiction as the palistinian community contradicts the jewish community. They cannot both be right. Personally I don’t buy into such moral relativism. I don’t care if Muslims think a crackdown on Halal meat is isalamaphobia, nor do I care if jews think palastinian liberation movements are antisemetic. The way the state of Isreal behaves towards the people of palestien is a racist disgrace and is a direct result of zionist ideology. If you want to have a jewish majority that means policing none jewish minorities.
The roma were the second largest group of people to be exterminated in the holocaust. So does that mean they can create thier own state somwhere in Africa? Opress the people who happen to live their already? I mean they have all the reason to do so. Modern Italy would happily get rid of thier Roma population if it were not for the rule of law and human rights.
The fact the cause of palestinian liberation is only taken up by the left/crank left just shows how morally bankrupt the mainstream is.
The only nationlism that can be progesive is civic nationalism and zionism fails at this.
August 21st, 2018 on 22:17
The only nationalism that can be pregressive is civic nationlism and zionist nationalism fails at this.
August 21st, 2018 on 22:32
Hodge did not fight the BNP either. She even got thier support for her anti-immigrant housing policy.
August 23rd, 2018 on 07:53
Daniel, I shan’t engage with your argument, because it is so confused and superficial, and misses the most basic of historical context. When you have read beyond your echo-chamber, come back and we will have a discussion.
There is certainly an argument to be made about nationalism, but to suggest Zionism is a monolith, again, completely misrepresents its profoundly heterogeneous birth.
As for your suggestion that Hodge didn’t fight the BNP. Ok. I now know where you’re getting your talking points. Because I watched her as she did, indeed, fight the BNP.
September 2nd, 2018 on 15:12
Would World Of Goo scratch Nick’s Lemmings itch?
Human Resource Machine or all the Zacktronics games are fantastic puzzles, but I guess they may just seem like work if you code all day anyway.
What about The Witness? If you ignore the pretentious guff bits, the puzzles are incredibly clever.
September 2nd, 2018 on 15:22
Radio 4’s The Reunion (darkly) amused me for a moment.
The very first thing the introduction said was about the Wannsee Conference. So my first thought was that they were reuniting some top nazis to reminisce about the good old days.
September 28th, 2018 on 05:58
It is time. Time for more Rum Doings.