Rum Doings Episode 226: My Banal Bits
by John Walker on Oct.04, 2016, under Rum Doings

In our 226th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, with recent improvements in astroturf, is the writing on the wall for the traditional British lawn?
Lots of lovely arguing this week, after a boring bit of agreeing over the horror that is Theresa May’s Brexit policy. We argue over food, sexism, fundraising, bone broth and Nick’s magic teeth.
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October 4th, 2016 on 16:28
Re Trump’s chances, give his latest attempt to win over voters by insulting veterans I’m almost convinced that Trump never wanted to win at all and his entire campaign is one big tax write-off.
October 10th, 2016 on 16:49
John Walker is such a cunt