Rum Doings Episode 218: Dual-Purpose Cloaca
by John Walker on Jul.06, 2016, under The Rest

In our 218th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, surely schools should be teaching reading, writing and arithmetic, and not yet more emojis?
Now everything’s back to normal and the country’s running tickety-boo, we’re able to move on to… no, of course not. But we do cut off the politics talk after a bit and focus on more pressing matters, like how did PacMan mate? And what would we do if we had vaginas? This leads us to making a new rule about sex: no sharp corners.
We also make a big stakes bet over the possibility of a Trump presidency.
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July 6th, 2016 on 16:51
Don’t worry! ‘The Removal Of Nicholas Mailer Act (2017)’ is unnecessary. May can deport you (and all Jews) at any time. If May had it in for you, you’d already be back in South Africa or Israel.
The Home Secretary has the power to revoke citizenship of anyone who has even the possibility of citizenship of a foreign country. I don’t think she even has to go through the courts.
Israel offers passports to anyone at least a quarter Jewish, thus all Jews are eligible for deportation on the whim of the Home Secretary.
But at least we’re safe from terrorists and everyone’s human rights are protected!
July 8th, 2016 on 15:13
The cloaca is clearly the inferior form of orifice. Yet another reason why platypuses are weird.
These last few casted pods have been (appropriately) sad. I’m sorry about your Brexited circumstances… I hope Nick loses this more recent bet. Ugh. Clinton! What a time to be alive.
Also, this pod lacks the Rum Doings tag.
Also also, since I introduced you two to a friend, I can no longer think of the podcast without mentally pronouncing Doings such that it rhymes with boings. It could also be rhymed with “going” to be become doughings but the boing variant seems more fitting.