Rum Doings Episode 192: Federal Jewish Of Investigation
by John Walker on Jun.04, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 192th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, in light of the Britain’s Got Talent fiasco, should all dogs be put down?
Topics this week include Seppastian Blatter’s evil ways, Nick’s failed attempts to guess newspapers from headlines, and a couple of thoughts on Charles Kennedy. We worry about rollycoasters, explain why Toby is so very, very interesting, and Nick realises that being a Conservative makes you a baddie.
Who is the real idiot when it comes to pooing in your pants? Nick explains John’s outfit of a tracksuit and semen-stained top. And we finish with a superb letter from our listener.
If you don’t leave a review on iTunes then we’ll weep the oceans until they flood the lands. Thank you to everyone who has so far – you’re keeping the human race alive.
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June 4th, 2015 on 12:00
The Smiler was built by Gerstlauer, a German-based company (who also built the Texas Giant, in which a woman fell to her death in 2013
So “Shoddy, British workmanship” should be “Shoddy, German workmanship”.
June 9th, 2015 on 20:03
BBC Four did indeed produce a drama about Enid Blyton: