Rum Doings Episode 185: Insects Are Pretend
by John Walker on Apr.07, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 185th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, do we really need a government?
John begins with an extraordinary confession: he felt a bond with Victoria Wood. We then move on to talking about the Paxman interviews with Cameron and Milliband, because we recorded this just before the proper debates, cos Nick was going on holiday.
We turn to your advice questions, in the second part of our agonising aunt section. First up, what to have for breakfast. Then why not to commit suicide. Nick explains why insects aren’t real, and we give people reasons to live. (For the links to suicide support lines, scroll toward the end of this article.) And we explain who gives better hugs: men or women. And Nick won’t say if he loves John.
If you don’t leave a review on iTunes then everyone will die. Thank you to everyone who has so far – you’re keeping the human race alive.
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April 8th, 2015 on 16:51
An antlion is a real creature, sirs.
April 21st, 2015 on 01:38
In keeping with insect-mammal compound names: