Rum Doings Episode 172: They’re Bubbling Like Fermenting Sauerkraut
by John Walker on Sep.30, 2014, under Rum Doings, The Rest

In our 172nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is what is, considering all the cracks, isn’t it now time to admit that paving stones are a noble failure which should be abandoned?
We talk about how microwaves enhance baby learning, Nick’s food fight with a primary school, and John’s disgust with the awfulness of Doctor Who.
There’s then chat about American late night talk shows, British attempts at them, and then some TV and book recommendations.
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October 1st, 2014 on 04:55
Late Late with Ferguson aside, the best late-night talk show currently running is HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (a host of British extraction).
October 1st, 2014 on 06:18
I think your a bit wrong with Doctor Who, I agree I have really disliked stephen moffats insistance about being meta all the time with his episodes. The Listen episode was really frustrating. But the other episodes have been entertaining and actually funny. Especially with Capaldi there who has a great dark abrasiveness to him that is great.
Leftovers has no real emotion to it that I can get behind. I recommend Lost recently re-watched it and theres some powerful episodes that will make you cry
Just kind of binge watch a lot of the filler and terrible season 3 to get through it
October 23rd, 2014 on 19:19
Finally catching up on a backlog of these. I do think you are a little unfair on this season of Dr Who, I think it has been better than it has been in a long time, and has had some great episodes. I actually quite enjoyed Robot of Sherwood, which rather embraced what it was.
In the Name of the Wind is very good, I’m currently reading the sequel, which is also pretty great. I was somewhat surprised to enjoy it given how remarkably cliched the story is, but the writing really carries it through.