Rum Doings Episode 145: Shoving Your Poo Up My Bum
by John Walker on Oct.09, 2013, under Rum Doings

In the 145th episode of Rum Doings, we don’t discuss whether wagon wheels. We do, however, look through NHS brochures for woo nonsense, the US government shutdown, and John’s GCSE English work. And John’s primary school work, including the famous Here Is Father Christmas Playing In The Garden.
You must remember to throw money toward the Open Well Tempered Clavier project, before Simon Cowell owns the copyright for all music. And if you’re British, you must plan which country to move to when the government repeals the Human Rights Act. Then there’s the tale of John’s seven-year-old nephew’s foray into swears, and finally a poem called Why by twelve-year-old poet, John Walker.
Also, here are those last two pictures mentioned: Bunny and hen.
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October 10th, 2013 on 06:53
I see John espoused transphobia even in his youth; he drew a trans battery hen baldly in mockery. Maybe it’s cross-dressing battery hen?
Chicago’s great for a while but its boxy gray architecture, grunge and voids of depressing vacancy eventually consume its charm. It’s down nearly a million people from its peak population in the fifties; yay Rust Belt.
If you want genuine Midwestern snow (the ability go to bed on a clear evening and shovel your way out the door in the morning) you need diggings to the southeast of a Great Lake. See this image.
October 10th, 2013 on 08:24
My brother lives in Duluth MN, so that’ll be familiar
October 13th, 2013 on 16:56
Nick is right about hypno therapy. One of the things that surprised me, doing various NCT classes in preparation for the birth of my son (now 7 weeks old!) was my instincts on woo were pretty much wrong. It turns out that the human body is reasonably good at giving birth, and a lot of the big interventions will get the job done, but in an unpleasant way. Most drugs, even gas and air, can disrupt the process of having a birth without interventions. That said, experiencing it second hand makes me think that maybe the interventions aren’t all that bad…
October 18th, 2013 on 17:43
John was obviously a teenage girl when he was 12.
October 19th, 2013 on 00:59
It’s good to know he’s always been a hand-wringing, whiny arse, at least :-)
October 19th, 2013 on 20:08
Four moons? I’m never trusting anything John says ever again.