Rum Doings Episode 141: At Sea! Part Four – A Quantum Mandela
by John Walker on Aug.01, 2013, under Rum Doings

In the 141th episode of Rum Doings, for the penultimate time sat on the balcony of John and Laura’s cruising cabin, we’re attacked by pirates! Aiieeee!
Listen to more tales of Nick and John’s jacuzzi love, and kayaking adventures, before we’re interrupted by the appearance of a GHOST LIGHTHOUSE!
There are tales of awful, awful Bergen, and our newfound career as photography models. And the new sport that’s sweeping the planet – CanapĂ© Tossing!
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August 2nd, 2013 on 12:43
I wish I had a wife just so I could refer to her as Wife-face.
August 2nd, 2013 on 12:53
On the issue of Asian tourists taking photographs, I’d like to mention that they often take pictures of me because they think I look like Harry Potter.
August 2nd, 2013 on 16:15
As I’m completely and utterly broke right now and unable to go on any sort of holiday myself this year, I’ve been stewing with jealousy over these last few Rum Doings. And that’s my excuse for not commenting. Rum Doings finally broke me emotionally.
August 4th, 2013 on 07:51
The urge to pose for/take stupid pictures is something that transcends national boundaries.
August 9th, 2013 on 23:25
I don’t mean to sound pedantic, but shouldn’t the number of the podcast in the description be 141st?
September 6th, 2013 on 14:44
You absolutely did mean to sound pedantic, but that’s OK.
September 9th, 2013 on 19:37
So it’s been a while… Where is the new rumdoings?