Rum Doings Episode 132: Poos Are Too Brown For The Toilet
by John Walker on Apr.19, 2013, under Rum Doings

Heaven high. It’s episode 132 of Rum Doings, in which we don’t discuss whether teachers should stop teaching their liberal views of history. Instead we talk about the latest news in the Boston bombings, as insensitively as you might expect. And even more insensitively, the funeral of Her Royal Highness Queen Margaret Thatcher.
We learn why Nick passionately believes in the healing power of beetroot, science’s early weekend, and pupils copping off with teachers. Then we conclude by deciding to enter a polygamous Swedish marriage and Nick dies.
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April 21st, 2013 on 20:53
I seem to recall that Grange Hill had a plot line about a male teacher semi-dating this student, and it managed not to be totally creepy.
Re the Boston thing, they could’ve asked people to stay indoors to make the manhunt more managable, I guess?
April 24th, 2013 on 21:41
My partner and I had a bet on whether the title of this episode came from Judith or from John. I lost that bet (sorry John).
April 25th, 2013 on 11:02
I just want to take the time to rather proudly and not the least bit smugly point out that Canada passes the Nick Mailer test for civilized nations. We abolished the death penalty in ’76. Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which became part of our constitution in ’82, specifically and explicitly provides equal protections under, and benefits of the law “without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.” Finally, same-sex marriage became legal nation-wide in 2005.
So a good 9 years of civilization so far. Fairly amusing considering how untamed and generally “uncivilized” so much of our landscape can be.
Forgive my bit of gloating, but Canada can be a somewhat ridiculous and forgettable country at times, it’s always nice when we get something unequivocally right.
April 25th, 2013 on 11:10
Heh, but apparently we can’t do simple sums. 8 years of civilization, not 9. Though, to be fair, by 2003 provincial court decisions had already made same-sex marriage legal for 90% of the population. It was just ’05 that it became legal on a federal level, getting that last hold-out 10%.