Rum Doings Episode 116: DISASTER IN YOUR HOME
by John Walker on Sep.06, 2012, under Rum Doings, The Rest

Episode 116 of Rum Doings comes in a week following a week that had a Rum Doings in it! To celebrate our sweet one hundred and sixteen, we don’t discuss whether Apple has the right to unsharp corners. (It’s worth noting that this episode was recorded moments before Jeremy Hunt was announced as health sec, hence our not mentioning that.)
Highlights include thoughts on the Paralympics, booing at George Osborne, and the death of cats. Then we move on to one of Rum Doings’ finest topics – carpet cleaning. John has his hands on one of the finest leaflets we’ve ever seen. We express confusion at US political parties, and predict Jimmy Smits as next Republican president. And out David Hyde Pierce.
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September 7th, 2012 on 04:51
Re: Facebook, I was reflecting to myself the other day, after installing Spotify, that non-Facebook-things are keeping me using Facebook as much as or more than my actual friends who are using it.
I didn’t have to create a new login and come up with yet another password, because I could just click “Login with Facebook” and all the annoyance was taken out of using a new service.
I think CodeAcademy was willing to use my Google account, which I’d prefer, but much more stuff lets me use my Facebook account. And having one account rather than eight has a definite convenience-charm even though it obviously has issues, since it means that compromising one account compromises you on multiple services, instead of just the one.
Quite drunk right now, and want to focus on the podcast, so I suppose I’ll stop typing quite shortly. But I would like to know what you guys think about Facebook as an identity, as opposed to Facebook as a service. If that makes sense?
September 7th, 2012 on 19:32
Every episode from now on simply must feature a reading of horrible local leaflets.
September 8th, 2012 on 14:45
At just the point that Nick was saying that John’s brain switches him off at twenty minutes, my ipod skipped to a random song. Amused me somewhat.
I actually felt a bit sorry for those poor shitty leaflet people, they’re clearly just very clueless. Perhaps they do provide an excellent service?
September 8th, 2012 on 19:33
Proof that Paralympians are lazy scum: as a child, I witnessed Brent Lakatos letting his dog pull him along, instead of wheeling himself under his own power.