Rum Doings Episode 109: Gordon Brown Must Go Into Burlesque
by John Walker on Jun.07, 2012, under Rum Doings, The Rest

Something terrible has happened. Nick has recorded an episode of Rum Doings with Judge Coxcombe, but not John, seemingly on a wax cylinder in a wind tunnel. What manner of madness is this?! And why are they sat beside the Mediterranean without him? (Well, because he turned down the invitation because the flights cost too much.)
But, despite this despicable action, this is indeed Rum Doings Episode 109, in which it’s not discussed whether John will be annoyed by the recording of this episode without him. HE’S FINE. Sipping pudding wine, they discuss bathing together, then as flipping usual Nick brings up videogames. Instructing Judge Coxcombe to judge the show as experienced from Spain, they explore the concept of this “music”, and then predict the future of gaming.
Europe is explained in the simplest form – a cream egg – and then the pair move on to gay politicians. And they get run over by a tractor. And finally, what should Gordon Brown do next?
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June 7th, 2012 on 18:26
This podcast, Nick and Martin, is at its best when it’s not trying to understand gaming.
There are games out there that aren’t brain-dead pew-pew simulators. Rome: Total War, for example, and the Europa Universalis series.
The rest of the podcast is great as always.
June 7th, 2012 on 18:51
I think Martin admitted that indie gamers make decent and interesting games. The attack was on the big, banal labels. Remember: Martin is a gamer.
June 7th, 2012 on 23:21
Could someone count how many times Nick and Martin said yes in this podcast? I lost track after 600.
June 8th, 2012 on 03:29
Leaving the EU? Pfft. We’ve got members of the Tory government threatening to leave the UN because some envoy pointed out that we’d been handing over prisoners for torture and treating our First Nations poorly.
June 11th, 2012 on 10:10
I liked the bit where Nick tried to talk about video games but got ignored and then had to bring it up again.
June 12th, 2012 on 08:04
Looking at the EU it really is getting a little bit silly the debt and the measures and that and you really get the understanding how arbitary and rubbish this all is. We could do an egyptian style of wiping the debt and starting over if we wanted to but no the people who want thier money are prepared to destroy the world to get it.
June 12th, 2012 on 13:36
I can’t believe you still think Obama won’t be re-elected.
If I knew youn in person I’d propose a wager.
June 13th, 2012 on 13:51
Propose a wager away! I think there’s a very good chance that Obama will not be re-elected.
June 13th, 2012 on 19:24
Okay, if Obama gets re-elected, John and you must make a video episode of RD before the year is out. What say you?
June 13th, 2012 on 20:27
I second that wager! (I admit to being slightly confused – what do I forfeit?)
I would just like to say that I did actually LOL (embarrassingly so)in a public space at the burlesque line. But how to explain…
June 13th, 2012 on 20:43
Ok. And if not, you have to force 5 of your friends or associates to listen to two episodes of your choice!
June 14th, 2012 on 04:59
I happen to teach English, sort of. So I will probably assign some homework resplendent with rumdoingsy goodness.
June 16th, 2012 on 20:52
I like this format. I request that you stay in Benidorm, or some other location inaccessible by John.