John Walker's Electronic House

Rum Doings Episode 106: A Bloody Mansion Castle

by on May.11, 2012, under Rum Doings, The Rest

In episode 106 of Bum Pooings, while we don’t discuss the over-population of Britain’s towns, we instead received your tweets explaining what makes you annoyed. Whatever it might be, we decided we’d be angry too.

Whether a listener should join the army distracts us slightly, and then Nick breaks his own rule and starts going on about games as usual. Then we do get cross about the data retention directive, the use of “gay” as a pejorative (although we do end up banning the word entirely), bad service, and then distract ourselves with suspensions and expulsions from school.

Learn that John can pick up heavy things, and then we get back to being enraged, this time about plug sockets. Is John an insane homophobic bigot when it comes to marriage? Then Nick tries to get John even further in trouble. And then it ends.

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5 Comments for this entry

  • Gassalasca

    The term Nick ought to have used is “voice”, not “aspiration”. Swedes lack voice, or voicedness in their alveolar fricatives, which is what makes a /z/ different from a /s/. Fricatives can’t be apirated, plosives can.

  • Nick Mailer

    Gassalasca: Yes, it was a terrible solecism. I blame John’s decaf coffee.

  • mister k

    I was very disappointed I didn’t get to be angry at John about the gays. Oh well. On teachers, theres very little more frustrating than realising that you are more intelligent than a particular teacher, especially a petty one (and the stupid ones tend to by the most petty)

  • IcyBee

    “Plug Sockets” !!!

  • Alex

    My school’s macs used a third-party shell to try to keep students from breaking things. The problem was that instead of applying the right kinds of permissions to the file system, they just hid the tools that a normal Mac would have for browsing a hard drive.

    Netscape was still there, though. If you opened up a local file with the browser, you could use the address bar to manually navigate through the directories on the network’s storage and look at everyone’s stuff.