John Walker's Electronic House

Rum Doings Episode 101: I’m Going To Break Your Brain

by on Apr.06, 2012, under Rum Doings, The Rest

In Rum Doings 101 we eat sweeties! Sugary sugar-free sweeties. And then enter something that’s going to dominate most of our Eastery episode – a leaflet from the local health food shop, promising it can cure all our ailments. That’s enough for most of an episode of Rum Doings.

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12 Comments for this entry

  • Void

    Very intriguing episode, John and Nick.
    I’m glad that this episode doesn’t skip in the middle.

  • Gassalasca

    Worst. Episode. Ever.

  • John Walker

    I’m sorry Gassalasca. You could perhaps be slightly more constructive in your comments, of course.

  • Void

    I very much doubt that he is capable of doing so, John.

  • Gassalasca

    @John If I really thought the episode was bad, and sorely needed improving, I would have given my best shot at constructive criticism.

    As it is, I only wanted to poke some harmless fun at the fact that you spent the whole episode minutely discussing a very silly pamphlet. :)

  • Nick Mailer

    I *told* you he was tetchy!

  • Arthur

    Is colon pronounced the same regardless of whether your talking about the digestive system or the punctuation? I’ve always pronounced it “Co – lon” if it’s the punctuation and “coal – in” if it’s the body. For some reason I thought it was similar to how Read is pronounced differently depending on if it is present or past tense

  • Arthur

    I’m so sorry about the “your.” I can’t even begin to describe my embarrassment.

  • mister k

    People on the left keep insisting that Boris is worse than Ken. And while I can believe that Boris is terrible in many ways, and regressive, would he wreck London so much that voting for Ken is a good choice? It doesn’t seem that way at this point to me, but then I don’t get to vote for mayor of London.

    As to writing essays by hand.. until exams are all on computers students will need the ability to rapidly produce coherent essays on paper unfortunately.

  • Geetoo

    what’s wrong with cursive – I use it all the time?

  • Daniel Beardsall

    I googled SCIO and found this. It’s even more farcical than the pamphlet suggests.