The Slopey City
by John Walker on Mar.03, 2012, under The Rest
I’m in my Kingdom. San Francisco, this time, for GDC. I’ve not been before, but think I’m going to do it very well. If my head will stop loop-the-looping.
Flying to the West coast is always a novel experience. Usually eleven hours in the air (although today some favourable tailwinds brought it down to a far more bearable ten), but you only advance through time by about three or four. So leaving at 9.45am, I arrived finding the afternoon had ripped loose from its moorings and started itself over again, and Friday is showing no signs of ending. It’s 2.10am according to my brain and laptop clock, but this city refuses to agree.
So in attempt to stay awake I’ve filled my tummy with pulled pork, beer and coffee. What’s that you say? Food and beer will make me sleepier?! Try telling me an hour ago that.
I’d like to congratulate San Francisco for its unique ability to be both too hot and too cold at the same time. It’s a rare skill, and you do it with a flourish. And for your hills, which are faithfully modelled on Crazy Taxi.
March 3rd, 2012 on 09:45
Go on a Segway tour of the city. It’s amazing, especially zooming up the hills.
March 3rd, 2012 on 22:55
We need a picture of you on a Segway, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Otherwise, it could be any hilly city.
March 4th, 2012 on 20:40
But be careful not to dash off the side of a cliff, John. (In reference to an earlier podcast.)
March 5th, 2012 on 20:48
I last went to San Francisco when I was 11 years old. Incredibly humid and bright on the day we arrived, and overcast and misty for the rest of the week. A lovely contrast to Los Angeles and San Diego, however.
March 9th, 2012 on 14:15
I hope to go to San Fransisco one day and fill my mind with real images of it, rather than ones acquired through playing the original Driver. Enjoy.
March 15th, 2012 on 12:50
I went to San Fransisco too, once. But then I took an arrow to the knee.