John Walker's Electronic House

Rum Doings Episode 86: Braille Loaf Bread

by on Sep.22, 2011, under Rum Doings, The Rest

In episode 86 we drink rum that has been kissed by a butterfly, and practise our live cabaret show. There’s discussion of John’s cupboards, and the youth of today.

Then there’s the somewhat awkward bringing up of John’s wedding list. Which we then plug. Because we have no shame. Not even enough shame to not link it from here, nor to omit saying that the number is 312865. If someone wanted to donate toward the TV. Maybe. Ahem.

How to be friends with people of different intelligences? And how brilliant John is in the eyes of a five year old. And whether Nick should have another child. And then the scandalous revelations about how Nick would mistreat his younger brothers. How long will John live?

And that’s it until after John’s honeymoon. Unless he does record one out there. Which he probably won’t.

Please consider writing a review on iTunes. It’s a really good way of raising our profile. And keep on tweeting and so forth.

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To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.

Or you can listen to it right here!


18 Comments for this entry

  • Patrick

    As the noblest man we know, I think the Rummites can club together and give you one hundred pence. Who’s with me?

  • Alex Bakke

    I’m actually a bit torn right now. In my bank account, I have exactly £1.39; the exact amount needed for this month’s RPS Subscribership.

    Should I betray RPS for a single node of the hivemind?

  • John Walker

    Alex, I say you should spend that money on yourself.

  • Patrick

    Alex, what better way to spend it on yourself than to give your past self a present from the mysterious future, specifically 86 episodes of Rum Doings.

  • Alex Bakke

    Thankfully I’m getting paid soon, but it will probably be after the wedding! So I must do *something*.

  • John

    Yay! You answered my anonymous formspring question :) fame at last!

  • sinister agent

    You can use “try and” to indicate beyond doubt that you will succeed, surely. As in “We will try and kill him” means that you will try, and you will kill him. Though that’s arguably more to use as a persuasive technique than anything else, as you can’t know whether you’ll succeed beforehand. Unless it’s totally certain, or… argh!

    Anyway, it’s “try to” otherwise. And children are evil, everyone knows this. Especially the charming ones,

  • devlocke

    I think John is right, on the “try and”/”try to” thing. I don’t even think “try and” sounds better – “try to” flows better and also has some alliteration going on.

  • Hidden_7

    I remember, when I was about six, being in a McDonalds, and the lady sitting near us had brought a table cloth and nice crystal and silverware because it was her boyfriend’s birthday. Crucial difference between your plan, John, is that she was surprising her boyfriend with this, and it was because McDonalds was “his favorite restaurant.” I’ve always wondered how well that went over.

    Just saying though, your scheme, more or less, has a good couple decades of established history on it. I also just realize that that lady must be getting rather old by now. She’ll always be young and naive in my mind, however!

  • mister k

    I found that episode exceptionally funny. I enjoyed John’s impression of future Judith, and Nick cracking up at his own incredibly bad joke.

    Have a splendid wedding John.

  • Xercies

    I found the whole Braille Loaf thing extremely hilarious, and it seems young Nick was very clever as a child as well :D

    I could imagine John being very good with children, and I kind of wish he was my Uncle.

  • Gassalasca

    Future Judith and the loaf are the best bits.
    Nick is right about ‘try and’, of course.

  • sinister agent

    I’ve remembered why it’s “to”. It’s actually just “try”. Try is one verb, and whatever you’re trying to do is another. ie: “to try to eat” is two verbs; “to try”, and “to eat”. “And eat” is meaningless. If the “and” version were correct, then other similar phrases would be as well, like “I want and eat” instead of “I want to eat”.

  • Gassalasca

    You may want to look up ‘idiom’ in your dictionary.

  • Nick Mailer

    Sinister Agent: The “to” has no more a-priori rectitude than the “and”, as you’ve admitted. The “and” construct is ancient, uniform, rule-based and regular.

  • sinister agent

    But I can see a case for both sides! Don’t make me chooooose!

  • Jonathan

    @sinister agent

    In that case I propose a compromise: “try and to.” That will surely work!

  • Tom

    Your wedding list at this point consists of three TVs (two of which are identical) and a rug. Are you sure you’ve thought this through?