Rum Doings Episode 51
by John Walker on Nov.26, 2010, under Rum Doings, The Rest

Rum Doings Episode 51 (episode 50 is in the same place as episode 40) begins with the subject that we’re not discussing: what has happened to the good old fashioned British bread bin?
But instead John goes through Nick’s DVDs. Which he brought into the studio for some reason. We reminisce about John’s radio days, getting caught for lying, Nick starts lying, and musicals. The film John couldn’t remember the name of was Guy And Madeline On A Park Bench.
We discuss mega-churches, the modern pop music of the young people of today, and Cloud Cult. Then Michael Buerk, and David Starkey.
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November 26th, 2010 on 15:03
A very enjoyable podcast.
While you were discussing churches, I was wondering about religion being kettled into areas that you’re allowed to enjoy it, much like Art.
November 26th, 2010 on 22:20
I used to listen to a news/talk radio station, but they ended up laying off their more interesting hosts, slashing the number of reporters and running programming from its sister stations to fill the gaps. After 10pm or so they don’t even bother having one of their own announcers read the news- it’s just pre-packaged headlines off the Canadian Press wire.
November 27th, 2010 on 02:44
I listened to this whole thing just to get to the Cloud Cult part. That makes two shows now that I’ve heard ;) Hurry, the Cloud Cult show is Dec. 10. Fly to Chicago!
November 27th, 2010 on 12:25
The thing about this podcast is, it lulls me into thinking I’m having an interesting chat with a couple of friends, which can be deeply frustrating when I’m not able to respond or interject. I suppose that’s really what’s so great about it.
Is there anything truly wrong with being able to predict which note come next in a piece of music? Often I think music which follows a rigid pattern can be beautiful because of it.
That being said, I don’t think there are really any good hymns which were written past about 1909. John’s experience of churches appears to be Happy Clappy, (or perhaps mine’s just been very ‘traditional’.) I haven’t been a christian since the age of about 14, but I’m always surprised to hear of other people going to churches and singing ‘modern’ hymns, laying on of hands, speaking in tongues and so on. I think that if that had been my experience, I would’ve stopped practicing christianity a lot sooner.
November 27th, 2010 on 22:53
You don’t like Shaun of the Dead? Alright, NOW I hate you. (Kidding, kidding).
November 28th, 2010 on 05:28
I struggle to appreciate lyrical religious music outside of its creative construction; I simply have a distaste for worship and I can’t shake the bias. I can appreciate instrumental religious music, though, as it’s much more open to interpretation without concrete blocks of verbiage pulling the whole piece down into an endless sea of teleological fluff.
btw, Nick, it hasn’t been a month yet, but I’ve been running. I just remembered you asked me check in and I probably won’t in a month’s time, so I might as well now. Two of the days were on a treadmill in my home as it was 20 degrees out with windchill (-7C?). Three observations:
1: there is indeed a great calm afterward
2: I’m breathing more easily
3: I haven’t slept like this in some THREE YEARS
Oh, and a fourth: I need new shoes.
November 28th, 2010 on 13:15
Look into barefoot running shoes.
November 28th, 2010 on 13:18
I actually quite liked Hot Fuzz and may i be a bit more controversial, actually like it a lot better then Shaun of The Dead. I think its because i find it a lot more funnier then it and a lot more entertaining. yeah Shaun of The Dead is good but after watching it several times i just think its ok and not brilliant.
As for scott Pilgrim…I’ve warmed to it recently after watching it a second time but it is a little bit of a mess to be fair. The lead romance goes way to fast and your not really that into it which means your not really into the fights they have which means it gets a little boring when the last quarter is wholly devoted to fights. but to be honest the whole Spaced kind of friends and the comedy with the friends i have to say is brilliant and to be honest i wouldn’t mind a whole film of just there interactions.
Wallace is probably one of the best characters in cinema
November 28th, 2010 on 16:28
My take of Shaun/Hot Fuzz was that Shaun was them finding their feet – finding out what they can get into the constraints of a film after being gifted with Spaced. But as a consequence, it was lacking, as you rightly said.
Hot Fuzz, however, was a film where they had a crazy budget and they knew what they could do, and as a result it deserves a lot more merit. Some parts were more miss than hit, but most of it was great fun.
November 29th, 2010 on 12:47
Scott Pilgrim is a splendid film, if you disattach yourself slightly from the main romance. In that, Romana doesn’t have a terribly good reason to fall for Scott, and doesn’t appear to be in to him in the slightest, which undersells some of the conflicts in the film. Despite that its a stunning, stylish film, with a tremendous sense of wit and some excellently drawn characters.
I do enjoy Shaun of the Dead, and I rather think the point of it is not to be funny sometimes. I actually enjoy Hot Fuzz, despite it being a bit weirdly paced and existing in a strange reality half way between action films dramas and comedies.
What has always bothered me about hymns, and modern ones in general is the unecessary praise of God. In particular lyrics of “You are Amazing God”
“Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God”
..I imagine he knows?
November 30th, 2010 on 06:59
I agree with Xercies and Bakke – Shaun was good, but Fuzz was better.
As for Pilgrim… I love the comic too much to find the film, interesting. I mean the sountrack is well done, and the giht scenes are pretty good, but the rest I found a bit boring.
December 3rd, 2010 on 06:12
Shaun was decent but disappointing, all things considered. Hot Fuzz was everything I’d hoped Shaun would be. It was fun and funny.