Snowman Tragedy 2010
by John Walker on Jan.06, 2010, under The Rest
Last year, when it snowed to any depth for the first time in my adult life, I made this. I don’t think I’ve topped it this year, but I had a good go. He’s a bit more clumsy, a bit less well shaped. But the spirit is there. Big props to Craig for suggesting brain matter and creating wall-based splatter effects. Oh, and coming up with the gun idea, too. I was just going to have his head caved open. Also, I’m sorry.

January 6th, 2010 on 14:18
Haha nice. I think you should have a new “Snow” category on this blog…
What’s the brain matter made of? Shoe string liquorice?
January 6th, 2010 on 14:23
It is in fact spaghetti and pasta, cooked in water and red food colouring.
January 6th, 2010 on 16:36
It doesn’t have the ultrarealistic gore action of last years (was that only last year?!), but it does have a cut out gun.
And spaghetti brains.
January 6th, 2010 on 16:51
lol, cute.
I find your fascination with snow interesting. Two feet of the stuff on the ground around here. When you’re hit by lake-effect blizzards thirty times per year the stuff quickly loses its charm (you reach a point where you must haul the stuff out with loaders and trucks because there’s just SO MUCH).
It’s still beautiful, though. And so is your snow-man-friend here. Until he blasted a chunk of his head off, that is.
January 6th, 2010 on 17:13
First thing I noticed was a snowman with his head caved in, and a spade sitting nearby in a pool of blood. That makes it seem even creepier.
Epic snowman though, traumatise any nearby children for life!
January 6th, 2010 on 17:43
Nice! :)
Reminds me of a cutscene in the first Resident Evil.
January 6th, 2010 on 18:27
You are a sick, sick man.
January 7th, 2010 on 01:17
My co-workers were horrified. I was so proud.