John Walker's Electronic House

by on Mar.26, 2005, under The Rest

Here’s some good news, especially if you’re MHW and hate the bunnies.

Thanks to some really hard work by Nick, I now have a place for Brian off of this blog.


There’s lots of work to do yet, including activating all the buttons, and making the archive more attractive. But it’s working now, so I may as well make it public.

I’ll post reminders on the blog when it’s updated, but it should be every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, unless I don’t. Please bookmark it, and if you like it, recommend it to friends. The more people reading, the happier I feel. That’s a combination of ego, and the reason for creating things in the first place: so other people will enjoy them.

Which means I shall hopefully be driven to remember to write things here, as it will no longer look all busy with cartoons.

There’s an email button on the Brian site, and I’d really appreciate feedback. Maybe it’s my weakness, but I find the interaction to be really helpful. And post comments on the links here. Love me. LOVE ME. Or something like that.

I was rescued by firemen today, from the raging fire of annoyance of locking myself out my flat, with no way to get back in until Monday night. There was a fire engine, and a long ladder and everything, and it was really exciting.

8 Comments for this entry

  • Lewis

    Out of interest, where did the idea for Brian’s Guide originate from? It’s, well, rather odd. In a good way.

  • John

    The very first one was drilling walls. I was having a conversation with my friend Sian, and we were describing our fear of drilling through walls. She mentioned because of wires, and I suggested nesting dragons. And I felt compelled to draw it. Why a rabbit called Brian presented this remains a mystery. But that’s where he began.

  • Craig

    What is Brian’s guide to ego’s?

    Anyway I’m so happy about this. You’re onto a great thing here John, and I expect it to last to eternity.


  • John

    Craig, you’ve reminded me. A thing I’m soon adding to the site is a request-0-matic into which people can suggest guide topics.

  • Steve

    Why aren’t all of Brian’s guides included?

  • Craig

    Nice one, John. There are quite a few topics I’d like to know Brian’s thoughts on.

  • John

    Some are the wrong size and shape for the site. Others are drawn so badly they make me cringe. I may redraw some today, rather than do proper work.

  • MHW

    A thing I’m soon adding to the site is a request-0-matic into which people can suggest guide topics.

    How about: ‘The day Brian’s creator had a nasty crayoning accident which left him unable to continue’?