Snowman Tragedy
by John Walker on Feb.05, 2009, under Photos
I have always wanted to build out of snow, but have never had the opportunity in my adult life. When there have been scraps of snow and I’ve tried to use it, it’s never packed well, and so on. However, the beautiful wad that fell last night is like cold clay. So, well, it had to be a tribute to Calvin & Hobbes.

Scientific Breakthrough Sleeps With The Fishes
by John Walker on Jan.23, 2009, under Photos
While in the States, Kim and I went to the Adventure Aquarium in New Jersey. I love aquariums, because things are either colourful, or sharks. These are both good.
But the very best thing in the whole building, even better than the beautiful giant turtle, or the gorgeous colours of the jellyfish, was the sign on the desk at the entrance.
I bent in half laughing, with the staff staring at me in confusion, and Kim staring at me with resigned familiarity. I can’t wait for them to get it working! All those physicists will look pretty silly when they have to go to the New Jersey aquarium.
Edit: Ooh, 1000th blog post.
Bath Is A Bit On Fire
by John Walker on Sep.23, 2008, under Photos
Comments Off on Bath Is A Bit On Fire more...For Your Information
by John Walker on Jun.11, 2008, under Photos
Comments Off on For Your Information more...Freakish-Handed Child
by John Walker on Mar.14, 2008, under Photos
I took these pictures ages ago, and then completely forgot about them.
I was in town with my sister, and she was paying for parking. I took the opportunity to put my gloves on my nephew, Wil, and then laughed until I hurt. Crappy phone pics, but click on them for a larger version. It’s officially the funniest thing ever.
The Best Picture Of My Nephew So Far
by John Walker on Dec.28, 2007, under Photos
After being left to feed himself a Gu chocolate mousse. I said to him, “Hey Wil, smile for the camera!” and he immediately cocked his head to one side and beamed this grin. Smart kid.
Other nephew highlight: Wil running around the house saying, “Gogglygogglygogglygogglygog,” in a serious and important voice, and then looking at me as if I’m a moron for not understanding.
Philly Pics Post
by John Walker on Dec.19, 2007, under Photos
Hello the weirdos who read my blog, here’s some pictures of my recent ho-ho-holidays. Click on each for the full size version.
So let’s begin with my chopped off leg. As you can see, it was not only a very painful and dangerous injury, but also one I had to take very seriously.
Slightly earlier in New York, we did the tourist thing and went up the Empire State Building. What impressed me most was how New York looks an awful lot like a game of Sim City.