Rum Doings Episode 217: Hell Low – Emergency Misery Episode
by John Walker on Jun.24, 2016, under Rum Doings

In our 217th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, poor old Cliff.
So, yeah. Recorded at 7.30am, this is our immediate reaction to Britain’s voting to leave the EU. We discuss the possible consequences, the devastating impact, and ponder best case scenarios for the future. Which is tough, at this point. Worth noting that Cameron announced his resignation the very moment we stopped recording, so we only speculate that he will.
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June 24th, 2016 on 09:11
Thank you! I very much appreciate it. This sort of intelligent conversation is sorely lacking from my life otherwise and it’s great to listen in on yours.
June 24th, 2016 on 09:12
Thanks for the part about it all being meaningless in the end. I suppose this isn’t anywhere near as important as what you Brits are going through, but with something as unexpected as Britain leaving the EU, I’m starting to worry that maybe things won’t turn out the way I expect in my own country (that country being the U.S., and the “event” being the upcoming election). It’s nice knowing that no matter how bad things get, someday it all gets taken care of via massive explosion.
June 24th, 2016 on 10:14
I have been voting since 2010. Please someone tell me how to not despise baby boomers to my core.
June 24th, 2016 on 10:55
Hi Callan. There is no reason not to despise the Baby Boomers. Worst. Generation. Ever.
June 24th, 2016 on 12:37
You asked what Farage and the Ukips will do now they have won their referendum. Annoyingly I know the type, with their dead-fart pub-bore torpour.
It links with what Nick said about Farage not being a details man. Everything is dead simple – bring back hanging; bring back grammar schools; bring back the birch and bring back hanging.
How these will be applied is beyond them and uninteresting. Everything has a simple solution that can be reached with appropriate levels of “common sense”.
June 24th, 2016 on 17:25
Nah Ukip is the one positive I have in this horribleness. They are only ever as good as a protest vote to get the EU referendum, and since they have now had that and won they are pretty useless as a party now because they will never really get into government with our system as it is. So lap it up Farage in a few months time you will be forgotten, or just be doing the rounds on talk shows.
June 24th, 2016 on 17:32
Liverpool and Manchester overwhelmingly voted Remain before you start tarnishing us all as racists.
June 24th, 2016 on 17:48
June 24th, 2016 on 18:39
The worst thing is that we can no longer laugh at ridiculous American politics. Because we have proved ourselves to be far stupider.
And you neglected to mention the 13 million people who had a vote but couldn’t be bothered to cast it. Those guys are worse than baby boomers.
June 24th, 2016 on 18:55
You’ve missed the most important news story!
June 25th, 2016 on 10:31
It looks like Brexiteers are already splitting into Montagnards and Girondins
June 27th, 2016 on 15:04
It isn’t a north south divide, and nor is it a middle class v working class divide. It is very clearly a city v non city divide.
June 28th, 2016 on 08:21
Zaytoon – it’s not that either. It’s an ignorant vs informed divide.