John Walker's Electronic House

16 Comments for this entry

  • bob_arctor

    Lovely stuff once again Mr Walker. Every review you do brings even the most cheapskate and miserly among us closer to getting a Nintendo DS.

  • Tom

    I would have said: fantastic review of a game this good.

  • Wilko

    Yes, excellent stuff; that more than makes up for the dull and clunky BoPoP review.

  • admin

    How dare you. That review was WELL FUNNY.

  • VP KM

    I realize you’re, ya know, a games reviewer and all, but you really need a post in here for the non-gamer crowd. Say, a new Brian or something. ;) You don’t want to lose readership!

  • pharoahe_monch

    VP KM, how did you develop a habit to visit, if you are not a gamer yourself? as for the Partners in Time, this must be the very best review ever written by JWalker. witty, deep and funny, just as the game!

  • VP KM

    I’m sure this is a fantastic review! I just enjoy giving Mr. Walker a hard time.

  • admin

    monche – I exist outside of games reviewing, and this blog began long, long ago as something for friends from Real Life, before becoming my publicity medium.

    Also, KM is the Vice President of this blog, Americaland and The Rules, so you’d better be showin’ her some ‘spect.

  • VP KM

    Wow, I didn’t know I had been upgraded to VP of The Rules, too. This calls for a celebration and perhaps a 2 week vacation.

  • Tom Camfield

    The problem with that type of review is you lose people who were bored by the original after three sentances.

  • admin

    Good. People who were bored by the original are idiots.

    Really – why is that a problem?

  • pharoahe_monch

    i will pay her my ‘spect, if time comes. and i’m monch.

  • Tom Camfield

    I don’t think there’s anything idiotic about being bored by cutscenes or interactive events or whatever they’re called, it’s just a different opinion of what consitutes a good game, or a game.

    Anyway, if you want people to read the whole review, I think that style presents a problem. It’s openly subjective which is the house style, and is perhaps more honest, but a more objective approach would probably carry dissenters onto the arguments I’m guessing you present later on. Thus giving you an opportunity to turn idiocy, or disagreement, into enlightenment and agreement, or something.

  • admin

    Sorry to take so long to reply to this.

    I’m particularly pleased with the beginning of that review because I believe it invites the unitiated in, while welcoming the veterans. Your comment seems to be that I don’t make an effort to convince people who’ve already decided they don’t like the game to read it. I really couldn’t care less – it’s not my job to change people’s minds – it’s my job to explain my mind. And in general, unless a game takes a massive change of direction, someone who doesn’t like the original is highly unlikely to like the sequel. I’m not going to spend the review trying to defend the game against an opinion I neither hold nor think justifiable.