Rum Doings At Sea! Episode 167: DOREEN! THEY’VE RUN OUT OF PIE!
by John Walker on Jul.11, 2014, under Rum Doings
In our 167th ever Rum Doings, the rules continue to be thrown into the sea. Nick is locked out of the cabin and this week’s episode is brought to you by Victoria and John.
We bring you the latest news in Disney princess dress technology, and debate the merits of 3D printing. John explains Eggheads, and then tries to convince himself he’s okay with the boat’s rocking, all in an effort to tell a story about a mean lady.
As the waves outside the window start to grow really rather enormous, we talk cable cars, and Victoria tells us about her dad’s theories on the gays.
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July 11th, 2014 on 13:19
Oooh, the first episode without Nick, the first episode with Victoria…
I’m going to listen now, nevermind any other plans.
July 14th, 2014 on 14:46
So good, thanks!
July 15th, 2014 on 21:54
I have printed a GLaDOS ceiling lamp using the 3D printer we have in the office.
It makes me very happy to have it.
But since I finished that I have not found anything else to make with it.
As far as sewing and 3D printers go I’m sure you could make some lovely buttons.