John Walker's Electronic House

by on Mar.07, 2005, under The Rest

keep it face up

7 Comments for this entry

  • KM

    That’s rather … upsetting.

  • Kowalski


    It would be upsetting if the puddle was red.

  • Nick

    If the puddle *were* red, Kowalski. Subjunctive mood, fortunately.

  • John

    Nick, there are people who won’t post on the comments for this blog because they find your doing that upsetting. It’s fine on Bemli, but since I don’t know who most the people commenting here are, swallow your grammatical pride.

  • Kowalski

    To be fair, if I’m wrong, I’m wrong and we’ll never learn if we’re not corrected, but there’s a time and a place.

    Looking at it *was* and *were* now both sound wrong though….aaaaaaaah!

  • John

    I agree with your sentiment Kowalski, and I’m always happy to have my grammar corrected, but I think it’s best done with invitation. Nick’s in a huff about it now, so at least there’s that to enjoy.