Rum Doings Episode 271: Other People Are Best Kept As Text On A Screen
by John Walker on Apr.10, 2020, under The Rest

In our 271rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: whatever happened too all the white dog poo? (reprise)
Obviously we talk about the current happenings, from the perspective of John’s all-consuming anxiety misery, and Nick’s similarly pathological upbeat view. But there are other subjects too, such as John’s new attempt to start running, and the inevitable demise of Facebook.
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April 10th, 2020 on 16:53
When has Nick literally become Satan?
April 11th, 2020 on 18:30
Hate immigrants, love the NHS was essentially Brexit. There was also talk of how important emergency services were after 9/11. Didn’t change anything. I hope I’m wrong but I suspect this pandemic will be the Sandy Hook of public health, if they don’t bring in universal healthcare now they never will.
April 13th, 2020 on 20:39
Thanks for doing this, good to hear from you both. Has been humbling/guilt-causing finding out the various difficulty levels people have been given getting through this.
Bloodbank: for me, I would think on whether there exists a level of protection that would make me feel safe enough to take the risk. If so, then find out what they actually have in place and compare. The UK website says there’s no immediate shortage, just need to keep the pipeline full. Come back to it again in a month if you decide not right now.
err… westworld S3 is really good, they’ve thrown away 90% of the previous stuff in favour of near-future cyberpunk/heist/deus ex-adjacent but with a subtler dystopia much closer to our own. Strong “we’re not getting another season, let’s go!” vibe.
April 17th, 2020 on 11:11
I have to admit, Nick’s constant contrarianism does get a bit tedious.He really does just disagree with everything John says and sometimes it feels like he’s doing it for the sake of argument. It’s been apparent since the very first few episodes. Coronavirus isn’t mild, nor is it “interesting”. Nick only thinks this because he isn’t really taking into account the thousands of dead–and the young among them. Coronavirus didn’t need to happen and we shouldn’t feel privileged to live during it simply because it shakes us out of stagnation. I agree with a lot of Nick’s points, but sometimes I feel like he just wants to appear different and intelligent too often. He tries to take a cosmic view of things and downplays catastrophes, but I think there’s this sense that he never really takes anything too seriously. Not sure I like that.