Rum Doings Episode 266: Operating Within Chronological Time
by John Walker on Sep.25, 2019, under Rum Doings

In our 266nd ever Rum Doings, our topic is: Why don’t we kick the CAN’T down the road?!
Prepare yourself: it’s going to be Brexitty. Obviously we discuss at some length the excitement of the last day or so, plus our predictions for what’s going to happen next. And we try to understand the motivations for people who voted Leave, but aren’t racists or stupid.
We ponder how Rees-Mogg has been so rhetorically thick, and even more concerningly, how Farage is becoming so rhetorically smart. Then Nick is MASSIVELY racist against the Japanese, while John saves his racism for the Jews. Finally we celebrate how terrible BBC News has become, and, moving forward, condemn anyone who ever says that.
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