John Walker's Electronic House

Rum Doings Episode 261: The Common Decency To Look Bloody Evil

by on Jul.11, 2019, under The Rest

In our 261rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, “Those pedalling the slur that Labour is ‘institutionally racist’ should remember When the fascists march into your town, it will be Labour supporters who turn up to drive them out.”

In this week’s episode of our weekly podcast we talk about John’s long ago trip to Canada, about Nick’s hatred of all that is good and pure, and go into some detail about the peculiar near-death experiences of John’s cat, Lucy. Oh, and are all children sociopaths? Plus other stuff, as you might imagine.

To get this episode directly, right click and save here. To subscribe to Rum Doings click here, or you can find it in iTunes here.

Or you can listen to it right here:

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5 Comments for this entry

  • Alex French

    Hi guys. This and the last episode won’t download on pocketcasts. Are they just not available through there any more?

  • qivers

    Whatever happened to Martin? Is it not about time he sits in judgement again?

  • NM

    Judge Coxcombe certainly does need to clear the docket. We will arrange it.

  • Daniel

    After running it through the utilitarian computer, Corbyn is the lesser of two evils.

  • Hotel

    It makes a more amusing story for Yaxley-Lennon to have been born into privilege, but I don’t think having a double-barreled surname necessarily makes it so.

    I would love to be wrong though.