John Walker's Electronic House

Rum Doings Episode 256: Hittle, Hitler, Hitlest

by on Nov.21, 2018, under Rum Doings

In our 256rd ever Rum Doings, our topic is, is Jacob Rees Mogg evidence that we should never trust the thin?

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? But time isn’t a factor in the gel universe of Rum Doings, so things carry on as normal. So we discuss Brexit, Trump and all the obvious big subjects. But we also get into the complexities of miscarriage, and Nick’s new wobbly theory of the universe.

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2 Comments for this entry

  • Bill Johnston

    Nick is right about his gel. The casimir effect describes an experiment which reveals the continuous packets of energy released by quark-gluon interactions across all space. The things we see and touch are made of powerful energy waves moving in that medium, but even a sealed vacuum possesses a background vibration.

    Also Elon Musk being the crazy basement man in War of the Worlds is brilliant. Especially the Jeff Wayne musical version that has him singing about building banks and hospitals in the sewers.

  • Daniel

    The Social Democratic side of the EU is pretty much dead. The eurozone is killing welfare states in the smaller countries, eg Greece and Italy.