Rum Doings Episode 180: And That Is The Title Of Our Episode
by John Walker on Feb.11, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 180th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, it’s the year 2000! Where are our hoverboards?!
Instead we talk about scuppering podcasts, babies on planes, and John correctly points out how average is Frozen. We learn about Nick’s daughter’s racism, and ponder the results of the upcoming election, and then Nick starts crackling.
Yup, sorry again, but Nick is a TERRIBLE PERSON. Even worse, he moves things on to videogames. Fortunately we move on, and discuss how utterly awful are the cartoon strips in Private Eye, which leads us to our favourite topic of User Friendly. And John’s version. Toby briefly invades, as our episode 180 special guest, before we return to being rude about a cartoon.
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February 12th, 2015 on 08:01
I liked the Willem Dafoe story.
What a friend you have in Jesus.
February 12th, 2015 on 10:58
Trigger warning: John hates Frozen and all else that is decent in this world.