Rum Doings Episode 178: You’re A Horrible, Horrible, Despicable Figure
by John Walker on Jan.15, 2015, under Rum Doings

In our 178th ever Rum Doings, our topic is, isn’t it about time we acknowledged the “women in the workplace” experiment should come to an end.
We begin with rememberings of our first go on the internet, and then inevitably move on to the Charlie Hebdo story. Nick gives a short lecture on the nature of problematic religions, interrupted by a problematic wife, before we undo the nonsense of the argument that satire must only “punch up”.
We talk irony and the science of Mornington Crescent, and then John rants about how The Unbelievable Truth is a terrible radio concept. Then we somehow find ourselves dissecting the careers of Whose Line contestants, and ponder the descent of Steve Martin and Eddie Murphy. And we call Mitch Benn names, again.
BY THE WAY Thomas Aquinas Day has been cancelled, due to his having been a massive anti-Semite. So we’ve moved it to the 29th January, recognising Emanuel Swedenborg Day, master scientist turned loopy theologian. Please remember to book this day off work. Further instructions of the traditions to be applied to this international holiday will be revealed soon.
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January 15th, 2015 on 16:20
Only part way through this. But greatly amused that Nick is siding with the (genuine) radfems re: trans women and growing up with male privilege.
January 15th, 2015 on 16:24
Joe Queenan’s Archive on Four was all archival – it was originally broadcast a few years ago. ;)
January 15th, 2015 on 17:02
Thanks for a great podcast. I though the point about a certain abrahamic religion was well made and well put.
January 15th, 2015 on 22:40
Your point about trans women in IT assumes that everyone who works in IT does so because they were into it as a teenager, or before they made a gender transition. Not everyone who ends up in IT does so because of the education they had during a period of “youthful camoflage”. It seems a little unfair to suggest that all trans women should judged based on that.
January 16th, 2015 on 02:35
Lots of self-styled liberals revealed themselves to be victim blaming authoritarians wrt the Charlie Hebdo murders. In a few cases it was upsetting, but most of them were already suspect.