John Walker's Electronic House

Snake Oil Merchants Get Sniffy

by on Oct.15, 2007, under The Rest

I love the internet. And I love how everything on the internet lives on forever, despite the actions of greedy lawyers employed by rich morons.

A wonderful article on The Quackometer discussed the continuing claims by homeopathic witchdoctors that their bottles of water can cure malaria. The Society of Homeopaths (which sounds like a false front for some sort of alien cult planning to take over the world) heaved their lawyers upon it, and it’s been taken down until the issues can be resolved.

But because the internet is magic, nothing ever really gets taken down, and you can, and should, read it now.

Silly Society of Alien Invading Forces – now the piece is going to be read by everyone ever, and more people will learn that homeopathy is utter bullshit with no demonstrable effects beyond placebo, and that these pus-sacks should not be given a single penny for their empty pills or bottles of snake oil.

Thanks Mrs Trellis for the link.

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