Review: Dungeon Runners
by John Walker on Jul.31, 2007, under The Rest
That’s until you play it for a bit. At the fifth glance, Dungeon Runners is, against all likelihood, a spoof of the MMO genre. NC Soft, one of the big players in the online world with City of Heroes, Lineage and the forthcoming Tabula Rasa, are taking a cheeky dig at the trend that’s brought them riches. And oddly, it works.
Hooray for free! I really rather like this game, and not despite, but because of how derivative it is. Also because it’s taking the piss.
August 1st, 2007 on 10:37
Have to say I’m really enjoying it. I even subscribed for a whopping THREE whole pounds a month so I could use such things as the Cardboard Rhino Axe of Kippers. Really.