John Walker's Electronic House

When Gods Attack

by on May.12, 2006, under Photos

Using the sophisticated 15 second video feature on my seven year old digital camera, and then capturing screens of it in terrible quality, I have proven the existence of long, thin and extremely transient UFOs/angry gods attacking Bath, in what I believe is a traditionally blurry style.

The first signs of attack, as a portal opens above Bath’s Bath.

No more plants
Shortly after the Sun is destroyed, some form of electrical beam burns the ground below.

No one is safe
At this point the main rift in the universe tears open. I’ve captured it in three stages, demonstrating the full force of the attack.

Fry the women and children first!
The rift explosively lets through untold volumes of “danger” into the world.

There is no hope
As it appears to be closing, the full horror is revealed as dozens of other enslaughts begin.

Goodbye cruel world.

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