John Walker's Electronic House

Post Disease Round-Up

by on Apr.09, 2006, under The Rest

So, as all that remains is the tireless, tiresome drudgery of a ceaseless cough, I appear otherwise to have survived the virus attack upon my person.

Things are getting back to normal, and I’m almost done catching up on missed work. This disease has cost me at least £1000, which is galling to say the very least. Please don’t think a week is normally worth £1000 in my life. This was as case of horribly bad timing. And dad, don’t panic, it’s £1000 on top of what I’d usually earn, and I’m not going to starve to death.

Brian will be back and regular from Wednesday – sorry he was gone so long.

I’ll be in that militantly defensive position over flu for a while now, not allowing anyone to call their snivel or cold anything close, until they too haven’t been able to put their own socks on. It’s a stupid and petty illness that just renders you useless for a really long time, with no serious implications or factors that merit any decent sympathy. Boo to flu, I say.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to some people who went far out of their way to look after me last week. Housemate Hicks, Jo Dolby and Stu Campbell were each incredibly kind, and completely super-lovely, going to the shops for me and buying supplies and remedies, and to Amanda Ricard who amazingly, with her afternoon off, came across town to drive me the 200 yards (up the steepest hill in the world) to the doctors. You people are stars – thank you.

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