John Walker's Electronic House

Man Sits Up Shocker

by on Apr.06, 2006, under The Rest

Today’s the first day since Sunday that I’ve been able to sit up for more than twenty minutes.

It’s weird to be this ill, without it being in the least bit serious. I feel as though my head is filled with wet socks, and my arms weigh about twice as much as they should, and it still hurts like crazy when coughing (lots of the time then), but today I’m able to be awake more than asleep.

I’ve found this before with being ill – there’s a moment right after waking up in the morning the cruelly tricks you into feeling lots better than you actually are. With the exception of Tuesday, when I woke up feeling like I was being punched in the head, every day this week has offered a cruel lie of hope. Even this morning had a false start – I got up at 9am, felt surprisingly human, sat down on my chair and then ten minutes later was back in bed and asleep for another two hours.

Now I’m wobbling in my chair, but at least sat up, and have been for a couple of hours. I think I’ll be in bed before long, but it’s progress! And how ridiculous – to be pleased with sitting up for a bit, when all that’s wrong with me is a passing virus. There’s no glory in flu.

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