Language Barriers
by John Walker on Feb.11, 2006, under The Rest
A favourite moment in DC, that perfectly demonstrates the division of language between the US and the UK (no one say that hoary old cliche).
Wanting to fill some time before my journey home, I decided to visit the stores on the other side of the road from the hotel. I asked the lady at the desk,
“Is there a safe way to cross the road?”
She replied,
“No, but there’s a giant next door.”
Which was something to think about.
I rounded the corner, and then laughed out loud. I realised her side of the conversation:
“Is there a Safeway across the road?”
“No, but there’s a Giant next door.”
February 11th, 2006 on 09:52
Brilliant. My favourite (and has happened a number of times is when I’m at a restaurant):
“I’ll have a coke please.”
“A what?”
“A coke.”
“Sorry – a what?”
“A coke… never mind, I’ll have a pepsi please.”
“Sorry, we don’t have pepsi… but we do have coke.”
“I’ll have that then.”
February 11th, 2006 on 12:02
““A coke.”
“Sorry – a what?”
“A coke… never mind, I’ll have a pepsi please.”
“Sorry, we don’t have pepsi… but we do have coke.””
…how does that work?
February 11th, 2006 on 13:21
What about “cola”? They got that?
February 11th, 2006 on 13:24
Mensa Club, come to order.
February 11th, 2006 on 15:44
That made me laugh…and I understood it.
February 11th, 2006 on 19:52
That’s not a language barrier, just a mishearing… :S
February 11th, 2006 on 21:46
this would be a bad hair day for sheep, huh?
What is the correct response if they offera straw when one asks for a coke?
February 12th, 2006 on 08:45
Saying ‘coke’ at least in this part of the country sounds more like ‘coat’ – the ‘k’ is not very pronounced. Hence the mishearing…
February 14th, 2006 on 14:20
Of course in Britain the correct response would be,
“Its a Morrisons now.”
February 14th, 2006 on 15:19
The correct response would be “It’s a…”.
But you do work for a console mag, so I’ll let you off.
February 14th, 2006 on 17:36
I was using “Grocer’s” “English”.
Although it could also be Morrisons’ or Morrison’s or perhaps even Morrison.
February 14th, 2006 on 17:38
EDIT – No, I think that bit was right the first time.