Review: Gunstar Future Heroes
by John Walker on Nov.26, 2005, under The Rest
You might remember playing the original Gunstar Heroes on your Megadrive. And you might well be carrying a trouser-torch for it to this very day, determined that it was the greatest moment of your entire life, and that this had nothing to do with the fact that you were thirteen. And if that’s you, don’t bother reading. You’re going to buy the GBA version anyway, and you’re going to think anyone whose eyes manage to penetrate the new robe-code of this emperor is a despicable idiot. Fine, fine, I’m an idiot. Move along.
Gunstar Future Heroes is this: less than an hour long.
Can we go now?
Continuing in my newfound role as weekend-filler for EG…
Pleased with the words in this review – and it goes on to contain the greatest analogy in the entire history of all games journalism, ever.
November 26th, 2005 on 11:18
Don’t knock yourself. You’re my weekend filler too.
November 26th, 2005 on 11:20
Why tapas?
November 26th, 2005 on 11:26
Because at a tapas restaurant you order lots of little amounts of lots of different types of food, rather than one big main meal.
November 26th, 2005 on 12:17
Ah, but of course! It’s all falling into place.
Yeah, nice analogy.
November 26th, 2005 on 12:30
Mmmmm tapas!
November 26th, 2005 on 13:16
I liked that review.
November 26th, 2005 on 13:45
Thank you.
November 26th, 2005 on 14:14
Why did I labour mightily to get you on LiveJournal?
Because of moments like this.
November 26th, 2005 on 14:17
What’s the moment MHW?
BTW, I linked to the LJ at last. Thanks for sorting that out.