by John Walker on Sep.23, 2005, under The Rest
People don’t understand games journalism.
Ask anyone involved, and they’ll groan about how people ask questions like, “Do you get to keep the game?”. Free trips to America are indeed utterly fantastic things. But they are also loss-making things when you’re a freelancer. The chances are you’re only going to get a couple of pages of work out of the four or five days you’re away, essentially losing a week’s wages. (They also induce enormous amounts of stress, as this week has demonstrated to me, trying to fit three weeks’ work into one, between LA last week and Boston tomorrow). And no, I’m not complaining. You choose to go, you invariably have a pleasant time, and get to see parts of the world otherwise inaccessible to those on a four-figure salary, such as me. It’s just, that’s not the perk that counts.
This is:
Free tat. What a wondrous thing it is. (Thanks Leo Tan, PR Man).