by botherer on Sep.06, 2004, under The Rest
And here he is.
He was bought because of his appearance as horribly racist tat, and thus as an attempt at improving the tone of Bath’s Cancer Research greatly. But he offers a surprise. Written on the side of the base is the name, “Billy Waters”. Which when put into Google reveals a history, quite unexpected.
That all men are beggars, ’tis very plain you see:
Only some they are of lowly, and some of high degree.”
This site links to more information that I reproduce below without permission. I’m sure it’s all their copyright. I’m also sure that they believe that sharing knowledge is more important than its selfish ownership.
It seems Billy was quite popular in his town and time. But died in poverty, having pawned away both his fiddle and his wooden pin.
That he is depicted in such a fashion is indicative of so much that is so wrong. But that he is remembered should be a good thing. Here’s to Billy Waters, a man of high degree.
September 6th, 2004 on 01:28
And also an important reminder that black culture didn’t begin in the UK in the 1960s, which some BNPers would have you believe. Why Queen Elizabeth the 1st complained how there were too many “negroes” in her kingdom, and, no doubt, how she deplore “politickal Correktnef gone mad-ward”
September 6th, 2004 on 12:53
Best tat of the Meat.
BTW, are you still doing the cycling thing?
September 6th, 2004 on 15:48
It’s a bit like the beginning to a novel. Dual narratives, switching back and forth between the story of Billy and the story of the person who finds the statue; the exploration of one feeding into the exploration of the other. Some sort of subtle thematic linkage perhaps.
What am I talking about
September 6th, 2004 on 18:15
You’re just recognising the first layers of the true depth and sophistication within this blog.
MHW – no. But I’m walking every day instead.
September 7th, 2004 on 17:46
Hmm, an interesting piece. Worth up to twelve of your Earth pounds, I’d say.